Fantasy Index

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Win here.

Ian Allan

"All 256" forecast

Packers look like favorites to win Super Bowl 50

The season is starting in 6 hours, so it’s time to lock in on some big-picture predictions. I’ve spent the whole offseason studying these teams, and I’ve seen all of the first-team action in the 65 preseason games. I can now take that knowledge and apply it the upcoming schedule, making a prediction for each of the 256 regular-season games.

For each of these games, I’ve looked at the two opponents and made a ballpark guess of how I think it will go. That is, if it’s a tossup game that could go either way, I give each team a 50 percent chance of winning, and they share that win. If I feel a team has a 60 percent chance of winning, it gets .60 of the win for that game.

If we follow that process for every team and every game, we get a general idea of how the season should unfold.

A lot of the numbers look way too precise – 56%, 63%, etc – and that needs to be explained.

For this endeavor, I started by projecting a record for each team based on gut feel and forgetting about the schedule. That is, if a team were to play a typical schedule, how many games would it win? – 8-8, 11-5, whatever. I then set up a calculator to give me an initial estimate for each game. Home teams tend to win about 56-57 percent of the time in the NFL, so if two 8-8 teams are playing, it stands to reason the home team should come in about that range. And the highest I was willing to go for any one-sided matchup was about 95 percent – meaning said team would win 19 out of 20 games. I then had a sliding scale between those two levels, with the initial estimate that each win (in a 16-game season) is worth about 6 percent of probability.

Then, after all that initial groundwork, I went through the games 1 thru 256 and adjusted the numbers up and down some on gut feel.

It turned out this way …

Expected Win Totals
1.Green Bay11.53
4.New England11.02
9.New Orleans8.53
12.Kansas City8.36
13.San Diego8.32
19.NY Jets7.71
21.NY Giants7.57
24.St. Louis6.74
25.San Francisco5.92
29.Tampa Bay5.50

Green Bay and New England in the Super Bowl, the numbers say.

NFC Division Winners: Packers, Seahawks, Eagles, Falcons.

AFC Division Winners: Patriots, Colts, Ravens, Broncos.

Wild cards: Saints, Dolphins, Bills, Vikings.

And here’s the supporting documentation.

1Miami (68%)at Washington (32%)
1Tennessee (46%)at Tampa Bay (54%)
1Seattle (56%)at St. Louis (44%)
1Minnesota (56%)at San Francisco (44%)
1Detroit (40%)at San Diego (60%)
1Cincinnati (55%)at Oakland (45%)
1Cleveland (35%)at NY Jets (65%)
1Pittsburgh (17%)at New England (83%)
1Carolina (56%)at Jacksonville (44%)
1Kansas City (52%)at Houston (48%)
1Baltimore (42%)at Denver (58%)
1NY Giants (40%)at Dallas (60%)
1Green Bay (75%)at Chicago (25%)
1Indianapolis (52%)at Buffalo (48%)
1Philadelphia (52%)at Atlanta (48%)
1New Orleans (43%)at Arizona (57%)
2St. Louis (54%)at Washington (46%)
2San Francisco (29%)at Pittsburgh (71%)
2Dallas (29%)at Philadelphia (71%)
2Baltimore (71%)at Oakland (29%)
2Atlanta (50%)at NY Giants (50%)
2Tampa Bay (20%)at New Orleans (80%)
2Detroit (43%)at Minnesota (57%)
2Denver (50%)at Kansas City (50%)
2Miami (69%)at Jacksonville (31%)
2NY Jets (25%)at Indianapolis (75%)
2Seattle (37%)at Green Bay (63%)
2Tennessee (36%)at Cleveland (64%)
2San Diego (48%)at Cincinnati (52%)
2Arizona (55%)at Chicago (45%)
2Houston (40%)at Carolina (60%)
2New England (53%)at Buffalo (47%)
3Indianapolis (78%)at Tennessee (22%)
3Pittsburgh (55%)at St. Louis (45%)
3Chicago (7%)at Seattle (93%)
3Philadelphia (65%)at NY Jets (35%)
3Washington (30%)at NY Giants (70%)
3Jacksonville (6%)at New England (94%)
3San Diego (45%)at Minnesota (55%)
3Buffalo (42%)at Miami (58%)
3Tampa Bay (31%)at Houston (69%)
3Kansas City (24%)at Green Bay (76%)
3Denver (57%)at Detroit (43%)
3Atlanta (45%)at Dallas (55%)
3Oakland (43%)at Cleveland (57%)
3New Orleans (44%)at Carolina (56%)
3Cincinnati (28%)at Baltimore (72%)
3San Francisco (36%)at Arizona (64%)
4NY Jets (45%)vs. Miami (55%)
4Philadelphia (81%)at Washington (19%)
4Carolina (58%)at Tampa Bay (42%)
4Detroit (24%)at Seattle (76%)
4Green Bay (75%)at San Francisco (25%)
4Cleveland (28%)at San Diego (72%)
4Baltimore (48%)at Pittsburgh (52%)
4Dallas (45%)at New Orleans (55%)
4Jacksonville (8%)at Indianapolis (92%)
4Minnesota (26%)at Denver (74%)
4Kansas City (50%)at Cincinnati (50%)
4Oakland (45%)at Chicago (55%)
4NY Giants (40%)at Buffalo (60%)
4Houston (35%)at Atlanta (65%)
4St. Louis (37%)at Arizona (63%)
5Buffalo (67%)at Tennessee (33%)
5Jacksonville (45%)at Tampa Bay (55%)
5Pittsburgh (46%)at San Diego (54%)
5New Orleans (26%)at Philadelphia (74%)
5Denver (68%)at Oakland (32%)
5San Francisco (36%)at NY Giants (64%)
5Chicago (28%)at Kansas City (72%)
5Indianapolis (64%)at Houston (36%)
5St. Louis (13%)at Green Bay (87%)
5Arizona (42%)at Detroit (58%)
5New England (58%)at Dallas (42%)
5Seattle (62%)at Cincinnati (38%)
5Cleveland (17%)at Baltimore (83%)
5Washington (18%)at Atlanta (82%)
6Miami (68%)at Tennessee (32%)
6Carolina (19%)at Seattle (81%)
6Baltimore (71%)at San Francisco (29%)
6Arizona (40%)at Pittsburgh (60%)
6NY Giants (28%)at Philadelphia (72%)
6Washington (29%)at NY Jets (71%)
6Atlanta (50%)at New Orleans (50%)
6Kansas City (46%)at Minnesota (54%)
6Houston (52%)at Jacksonville (48%)
6New England (49%)at Indianapolis (51%)
6San Diego (25%)at Green Bay (75%)
6Chicago (29%)at Detroit (71%)
6Denver (72%)at Cleveland (28%)
6Cincinnati (40%)at Buffalo (60%)
7Buffalo (72%)vs. Jacksonville (28%)
7Tampa Bay (45%)at Washington (55%)
7Atlanta (68%)at Tennessee (32%)
7Cleveland (42%)at St. Louis (58%)
7Seattle (76%)at San Francisco (24%)
7Oakland (29%)at San Diego (71%)
7Dallas (46%)at NY Giants (54%)
7NY Jets (25%)at New England (75%)
7Houston (33%)at Miami (67%)
7Pittsburgh (41%)at Kansas City (59%)
7New Orleans (25%)at Indianapolis (75%)
7Minnesota (46%)at Detroit (54%)
7Philadelphia (64%)at Carolina (36%)
7Baltimore (58%)at Arizona (42%)
8Detroit (48%)vs. Kansas City (52%)
8San Francisco (42%)at St. Louis (58%)
8Cincinnati (37%)at Pittsburgh (63%)
8NY Jets (52%)at Oakland (48%)
8NY Giants (42%)at New Orleans (58%)
8Miami (28%)at New England (72%)
8Tennessee (32%)at Houston (68%)
8Green Bay (47%)at Denver (53%)
8Seattle (62%)at Dallas (38%)
8Arizona (55%)at Cleveland (45%)
8Minnesota (60%)at Chicago (40%)
8Indianapolis (63%)at Carolina (37%)
8San Diego (35%)at Baltimore (65%)
8Tampa Bay (20%)at Atlanta (80%)
9NY Giants (59%)at Tampa Bay (41%)
9Atlanta (57%)at San Francisco (43%)
9Chicago (25%)at San Diego (75%)
9Oakland (29%)at Pittsburgh (71%)
9Jacksonville (27%)at NY Jets (73%)
9Tennessee (20%)at New Orleans (80%)
9Washington (5%)at New England (95%)
9St. Louis (32%)at Minnesota (68%)
9Denver (46%)at Indianapolis (54%)
9Philadelphia (59%)at Dallas (41%)
9Cleveland (33%)at Cincinnati (67%)
9Green Bay (66%)at Carolina (34%)
9Miami (45%)at Buffalo (55%)
10New Orleans (57%)at Washington (43%)
10Carolina (57%)at Tennessee (43%)
10Dallas (62%)at Tampa Bay (38%)
10Chicago (40%)at St. Louis (60%)
10Arizona (22%)at Seattle (78%)
10Cleveland (29%)at Pittsburgh (71%)
10Miami (32%)at Philadelphia (68%)
10Minnesota (58%)at Oakland (42%)
10Buffalo (50%)at NY Jets (50%)
10New England (68%)at NY Giants (32%)
10Detroit (27%)at Green Bay (73%)
10Kansas City (32%)at Denver (68%)
10Houston (36%)at Cincinnati (64%)
10Jacksonville (9%)at Baltimore (91%)
11San Francisco (13%)at Seattle (87%)
11Kansas City (46%)at San Diego (54%)
11Tampa Bay (7%)at Philadelphia (93%)
11Buffalo (25%)at New England (75%)
11Green Bay (62%)at Minnesota (38%)
11Dallas (42%)at Miami (58%)
11Tennessee (42%)at Jacksonville (58%)
11NY Jets (48%)at Houston (52%)
11Oakland (33%)at Detroit (67%)
11Denver (75%)at Chicago (25%)
11Washington (25%)at Carolina (75%)
11St. Louis (19%)at Baltimore (81%)
11Indianapolis (52%)at Atlanta (48%)
11Cincinnati (42%)at Arizona (58%)
12NY Giants (58%)at Washington (42%)
12Oakland (49%)at Tennessee (51%)
12Pittsburgh (23%)at Seattle (77%)
12Arizona (54%)at San Francisco (46%)
12Miami (48%)at NY Jets (52%)
12Buffalo (41%)at Kansas City (59%)
12San Diego (67%)at Jacksonville (33%)
12Tampa Bay (8%)at Indianapolis (92%)
12New Orleans (48%)at Houston (52%)
12Chicago (8%)at Green Bay (92%)
12Philadelphia (57%)at Detroit (43%)
12New England (42%)at Denver (58%)
12Carolina (40%)at Dallas (60%)
12Baltimore (7%)at Cleveland (3%)
12St. Louis (35%)at Cincinnati (65%)
12Minnesota (42%)at Atlanta (58%)
13Dallas (62%)at Washington (38%)
13Jacksonville (44%)at Tennessee (56%)
13Atlanta (65%)at Tampa Bay (35%)
13Arizona (53%)at St. Louis (47%)
13Denver (57%)at San Diego (43%)
13Indianapolis (50%)at Pittsburgh (50%)
13Kansas City (59%)at Oakland (41%)
13NY Jets (47%)at NY Giants (53%)
13Carolina (43%)at New Orleans (57%)
13Philadelphia (42%)at New England (58%)
13Seattle (62%)at Minnesota (38%)
13Baltimore (52%)at Miami (48%)
13Green Bay (64%)at Detroit (36%)
13Cincinnati (53%)at Cleveland (47%)
13San Francisco (45%)at Chicago (55%)
13Houston (37%)at Buffalo (63%)
14New Orleans (57%)at Tampa Bay (43%)
14Detroit (53%)at St. Louis (47%)
14Buffalo (29%)at Philadelphia (71%)
14Tennessee (27%)at NY Jets (73%)
14NY Giants (37%)at Miami (63%)
14San Diego (43%)at Kansas City (57%)
14Indianapolis (82%)at Jacksonville (18%)
14New England (67%)at Houston (33%)
14Dallas (23%)at Green Bay (77%)
14Oakland (15%)at Denver (85%)
14San Francisco (45%)at Cleveland (55%)
14Pittsburgh (48%)at Cincinnati (52%)
14Washington (36%)at Chicago (64%)
14Atlanta (50%)at Carolina (50%)
14Seattle (50%)at Baltimore (50%)
14Minnesota (48%)at Arizona (52%)
15Buffalo (65%)at Washington (35%)
15Tampa Bay (35%)at St. Louis (65%)
15Cleveland (10%)at Seattle (90%)
15Cincinnati (54%)at San Francisco (46%)
15Miami (45%)at San Diego (55%)
15Denver (56%)at Pittsburgh (44%)
15Arizona (27%)at Philadelphia (73%)
15Green Bay (78%)at Oakland (22%)
15Carolina (44%)at NY Giants (56%)
15Detroit (45%)at New Orleans (55%)
15Tennessee (6%)at New England (94%)
15Chicago (32%)at Minnesota (68%)
15Atlanta (66%)at Jacksonville (34%)
15Houston (22%)at Indianapolis (78%)
15NY Jets (40%)at Dallas (60%)
15Kansas City (32%)at Baltimore (68%)
16Houston (55%)at Tennessee (45%)
16Chicago (46%)at Tampa Bay (54%)
16St. Louis (15%)at Seattle (85%)
16Washington (6%)at Philadelphia (94%)
16San Diego (57%)at Oakland (43%)
16New England (68%)at NY Jets (32%)
16Jacksonville (20%)at New Orleans (80%)
16NY Giants (42%)at Minnesota (58%)
16Indianapolis (52%)at Miami (48%)
16Cleveland (27%)at Kansas City (73%)
16San Francisco (34%)at Detroit (66%)
16Cincinnati (23%)at Denver (77%)
16Dallas (40%)at Buffalo (60%)
16Pittsburgh (35%)at Baltimore (65%)
16Carolina (38%)at Atlanta (62%)
16Green Bay (66%)at Arizona (34%)
17St. Louis (45%)at San Francisco (55%)
17Philadelphia (68%)at NY Giants (32%)
17New England (51%)at Miami (49%)
17Oakland (27%)at Kansas City (73%)
17Tennessee (8%)at Indianapolis (92%)
17Jacksonville (34%)at Houston (66%)
17Minnesota (23%)at Green Bay (77%)
17San Diego (28%)at Denver (72%)
17Washington (25%)at Dallas (75%)
17Pittsburgh (57%)at Cleveland (43%)
17Baltimore (54%)at Cincinnati (46%)
17Detroit (58%)at Chicago (42%)
17Tampa Bay (22%)at Carolina (78%)
17NY Jets (38%)at Buffalo (62%)
17New Orleans (38%)at Atlanta (62%)
17Seattle (64%)at Arizona (36%)

Fantasy Index